Nike - Born Ready

Client: Nike - Born Ready Campaign
Credits: Creative Direction - SouthSouthWest Studio
Born Ready - Darcy Vescio - Born Ready Nike

The Nike Born Ready campaign was part of International Women’s day to highlight the amazing contribution they have to all aspects of sport.
I was fortunate enough to work on a project to work with Darcy Vecio’s campaign. Darcy is someone who I have longed admired as an avid fan of AFLW and particularly their team, Carlton.

We wanted to ensure that the message of them using the field to find voice and be loud was translatable through animation. As well as communicating their ability to hold space. Wanting the animation to reflect this as well as the creativity applied to the way they go about the game was something I wanted to have emphasised throughout . We went through the best ways to reflect this and included below are the steps and concepts we took to get to the final result.

Draft animatic of concepts


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